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Domestic abuse is a cycle of behavior that can happen in any racial, ethnic or socio-economic status. Research shows that it happens amongst heterosexuals, gays, low income, high income, black and white communities across the board. In an abusive relationship, one partner tries to control the other by using emotional, physical, sexual or verbal attacks. People who have grown up with domestic violence around them, tend to continue the behavior as adults unless they have received some kind of treatment. If you have inflicted any of the following types of abuse on your intimate partner or family member, you are contributing to an abusive relationship:

  • Verbal intimidation
  • Threats of harming yourself or your partner
  • Isolating your partner from friends and family
  • Financial control by not allowing partner access to income
  • Physical violence such as hitting, shoving, slapping or kicking
  • Stalking
  • Monitoring email, voice mail and texts
  • Ongoing jealousy

If you recognize yourself in any of these scenarios, it may be time to take action by utilizing the support and skills taught in a Batterer’s Intervention Class. Many of our clients have found themselves in this situation just once and have been legally indicted as a domestic offender. Just yesterday we received a call from an individual who was in an altercation at a bar with an ex-girlfriend. She pushed him out of anger, and he lost it and retaliated with a harder shove that sent her to the ground. This happened in front of witnesses and the police were called in. He was ultimately cited for a domestic violence offense and mandated to take a domestic violence program.

Sound familiar? In this case, the client was able to take a 12 hour domestic violence class online to fulfill the court order for restitution and education. In his situation, he traveled a great deal for business and wasn’t able to get to a weekly in-person class without possibly losing his job. He asked the judge if he could take the course online from his computer during his travels and it was approved.

Online domestic violence classes are a great resource for completing court or legal requirements. They are easily accessible from any of the 50 states, from any computer device connected to the Internet. This means you can be on the road in a hotel in Las Vegas one night, San Francisco the next and back home in Phoenix and not miss a beat. The participant simply logs in for whatever length of time is best for him and the class becomes immediately available on the computer screen in front of him. There’s no limit to the number of times you login and out and the program holds your last spot for you.

Online domestic violence classes cover the same topics you receive in an in-person class in an even more interesting and engaging manner. They alleviate the stress of having to get to a classroom, deal with the personalities of different instructors and of having to make the situation public. An online dv class is a completely private situation in that the only people who need to know that you are taking the class are the judge, your attorney and you.

Take an online domestic violence class today for privacy and convenience!

Tags: court ordered domestic violence classes
DV Classes
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