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There is no question that domestic violence affects everyone in the home. Whether or not the children have been directly physically abused, watching a loved one being abused is a traumatic and frightening experience. Children who come from homes in which domestic violence occurs exhibit a number of behaviors that can stay with them throughout their life. Abusers should be aware that they are not only causing stress and anxiety for the child, but long-term issues such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Stomach aches, head aches and ulcers
  • Nightmares
  • Impaired concentration
  • Withdrawal and isolation
  • Low self-esteem
  • Increased or decreased appetite
  • Aggression and violence
  • Depression

And, a topic that has recently come to the forefront again, is suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for adolescents in the U.S. New findings in the Archives of Pediatrics; Adolescent Medicine show that children who are bullied by their peers, or are mistreated at home, are more likely to think about killing themselves. Specifically, kids that are exposed to fighting and domestic violence at home are at the greatest risk of having suicidal thoughts when compared to children who were not exposed to such behavior.

Getting help for these kids and for domestic violence offenders is crucial to saving lives. One way that jurisdictions across the country are attempting to address this pressing issue is by mandating that offenders take batterers intervention programs to learn how to stop the cycle of violence. The importance of changing this behavior is serious and is critical for everyone involved in the relationship.

If you are ready to confront this behavior head-on for self-improvement purposes or because of a court mandate, then starting with an 8-hour online domestic violence class is for you. Participants learn to understand what about their behavior is abusive and how to stop it. In many families, the abuse is not physical, but is witnessed in stalking, or other controlling behaviors like not allowing a spouse to see certain family members, internet and mail monitoring, or controlling all finances. With this in mind, participants are taught empathy skills and stress management. They also learn how to effectively communicate their feelings and needs without resorting to abuse. And, a section is devoted to how this behavior is affecting the children and others in the family. Most importantly, the participant will learn how to stop the cycle of violence and create a safe family environment for everyone.

Be sure to check with your legal system to confirm that they will accept online classes to fulfill court requirements. If so, the client simply chooses the course length he needs to take and upon registration, the class is immediately available. The client can drop-in and out of the course as often as necessary to fit his busy schedule and take the classes at all hours of the day or night. The class is divided up into chapters with short multiple-choice quizzes at the end to ensure the participant understands the material. At the end of the class, a multiple-choice final exam is issued. The test can be retaken as many times as necessary until successfully passed with a 70% score or better. At this point, a Certificate of Completion is issued. This document is then presented to your legal system to prove that the requirement was fulfilled. Taking an online domestic violence class is not only educational and life changing but is the fastest and most convenient way to get this legal requirement behind you.

Tags: domestic violence classes for self-improvement
Domestic Violence Classes
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